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GP de Denain odds

GP de Denain 2025 will be held 20 March 2025.

Who wins GP de Denain 2025?

Odd unit: EU | UK | US
Arnaud De Lie6.006.00
Laurenz Rex7.007.00
António Morgado11.0011.00
Nils Politt11.0011.00
Tim Wellens11.0011.00
Stefan Küng13.0013.00
Timo Kielich17.0017.00
Alec Segaert21.0021.00
Amaury Capiot21.0021.00
Juan Sebastián Molano21.0021.00
Yves Lampaert23.0023.00
Anthony Turgis26.0026.00
Hugo Page26.0026.00
Maximilian Walscheid26.0026.00
Milan Fretin26.0026.00
Arne Marit34.0034.00
Lewis Askey34.0034.00
Filippo Baroncini41.0041.00
Sam Bennett41.0041.00
Lars Boven51.0051.00
Luca Mozzato51.0051.00
Stanislaw Aniolkowski51.0051.00
Brent Van Moer67.0067.00
Dries Van Gestel67.0067.00
Marc Sarreau67.0067.00
Matteo Moschetti67.0067.00
Aimé De Gendt81.0081.00
Bert Van Lerberghe81.0081.00
Matthew Walls81.0081.00
Milan Menten81.0081.00
Ivo Emanuel Alves Oliveira101.00101.00
Jordi Warlop101.00101.00
Simon Dehairs101.00101.00
Alexandre Delettre126.00126.00
Fabio Christen126.00126.00
Samuel Gaze126.00126.00
Daniel Mc Lay151.00151.00
Geoffrey Soupe151.00151.00
Jon Aberasturi Izaga151.00151.00
Kelland O'brien151.00151.00
Gil Gelders201.00201.00
Gotzon Martín201.00201.00
Kenneth Van Rooy201.00201.00
Oscar Riesebeek201.00201.00
Paul Lapeira201.00201.00
Pepijn Reinderink201.00201.00
Xabier Mikel Azparren201.00201.00
Emmanuel Morin251.00251.00
Jens Reynders251.00251.00
Lorenzo Manzin251.00251.00
Piet Allegaert251.00251.00
Stan Van Tricht251.00251.00
Adrien Petit301.00301.00
Amund Grøndahl Jansen301.00301.00
Blake Quick301.00301.00
Edvald Boasson Hagen301.00301.00
Hartthijs De Vries301.00301.00
Jannik Steimle301.00301.00
Martijn Budding301.00301.00
Elmar Reinders401.00401.00
Fouché, James401.00401.00
Rait Ärm401.00401.00
Romain Cardis401.00401.00
Szymon Sajnok401.00401.00
Vangheluwe, Warre401.00401.00
Vink, Michael401.00401.00
Alan Riou501.00501.00
Christophe Noppe501.00501.00
Fabio Van Den Bossche501.00501.00
Le Huitouze, Eddy501.00501.00
Michel Ries501.00501.00
Norman Vahtra501.00501.00
Adam Toupalik601.00601.00
Alexy Faure Prost601.00601.00
Enzo Paleni601.00601.00
Jérémy Lecroq601.00601.00
Knight, Oliver601.00601.00
Nickolas Zukowsky601.00601.00
Alex Colman801.00801.00
Cériel Desal801.00801.00
Jan Maas801.00801.00
Sébastien Grignard801.00801.00
Xabier Isasa801.00801.00
Kenny Molly1001.001001.00
Vanhoof, Ward1001.001001.00


The origins of the Denain Grand Prix was around 1992 in Coupe de France and the event entered the out-class category of the Union Cyclist International in 2016

The first edition of the Denain Grand Prix open to professionals was in 1959 in France and won by the Irishman Seamus Eliott. Since then, the race, run early on Tuesday of the carnival of Denais, has grown very rapidly. It will be an auspicious moment of victory of 1967 prix for José Samyn, a French rider to finally put his name on the charts of Denain Grand Prix. The next following year, Jean Stablinski won the cup. After great success, the former world champion was eager to leave Denain with the bouquet that had always refused him since the start of his participation in the Grand Prix.

All the French winners are Northerners, and Jean-Philippe Pipart in 1979; Bruno Wojtinek made him the first doubled in 1986 and 1987 and Robert Mintkewicz in 1977.

The internationalization of cycling, then the Coupe de France, will bring to the city of Cafougnette, platoons with tourists from around the world, so winners are from everywhere. Jimmy Casper former cyclist is currently the record holder of victories with four bouquets in three different courses.

Since 1994 Daniel Mangeas has been organizing the race for the joy of all his friends who come for the race from far away. The event that has been part of the Coupe de France since the first edition organized in 1992 has become an essential date on the international calendar due to its popularity.

In 2016, the event Denain Grand Prix entered the UCI Hors-Class calendar, with the aim of attracting the best teams in the world in search of the best.


The fictitious departure is given rue Arthur Brunet in Denain at noon 204.1 kilometers still has to go. The runners then go towards Haveluy where the real departure stopped is given on the place, remains 198 kilometers to the end line. 

The first loop goes

 Hem-Lenglet , the locality La Boulette, Bantigny,  Abancourt Eswars of paved sector No. 12, 1,700 meters long, Paillencourt , Estrun , Hordain , Lieu-Saint-Amand , Neuville-sur-Escaut , Lourches , Escaudain, then Denain with the first crossing on the line . 57.9 kilometers were then covered since the actual start, leaving 140.1.

The second loop goes

towards Oisy , Bellaing , Wallers (with the paved area n ° 11, 1,700 meters long), Hélesmes, Wallers (with the paved sector n ° 10, 2,500 meters long), Haveluy, Denain, Escaudain then again Denain with the second crossing on the finish line; 90.6 kilometers were then traveled since the actual departure, it remains 107.4.

The third loop goes

to Haulchin , Douchy-les-Mines , Noyelles-sur-Selle , Avesnes-le-Sec (with paved sector No. 9, 2,600 meters long), Hordain ,Bouchain , Wavrechain-sous-Faulx , Wasnes-au-Bac (with paved sector No. 8, 1,500 meters long), Marcq-en-Ostrevent , Marquette-en-Ostrevent (with paved area No. 7, 1,200 meters long), Abscon , Rœulx , Lourches, Escaudain, then Denain with the third crossing on the finish line; 132 kilometers were then traveled since the actual start, there are 66 left.

There are two laps of a local circuit of 33 kilometers. The riders return to Haulchin, Douchy-les-Mines, Noyelles-sur-Selle, Avesnes-le-Sec with paved sector No. 6 and then - the second lap of the local circuit - 3, along 2,700 meters, Hordain , Bouchain, Mastaing  with paved area No. 5 then 2, 600 meters long and No. 4 and 1, 1,200 meters long, Rœulx, Escaudain,  Abscon,  Lourches and Denain.