Who wins Dancing on Ice 2025?
Dancing on Ice odds
As the competition hots up (no melting ice though) the Dancing on Ice odds can change at the drop of a hat – or the drop of a fellow ice dancer. One mistake can see the betting on a particular contestant simply stop in its tracks. And a great score from the judges can lead to a flurry of activity. And as people who understand gambling, we know that this can cause some interesting opportunities.
The Format
Like many shows of this kind, the contestants perform before a they get scored by the judges. A phone in from the public follows and (usually) one contestant is voted out until we get to the final with three skaters.
Whether you watch the ITV programme or not, the Dancing on Ice odds are an interesting follow for all of us. And as you take a look at the favourites and the also-rans, you might be able to spot an opportunity to have a bit of fun, back your favourite or even make a bit of cash.